Monday, January 13, 2014


I felt the need to write to express my gratitude for the great amount of love and support that has been shown to us in the last week or so.  We have received messages from many letting us know they are praying for Brady and our family and Brady has received several gifts and cards, which have truly cheered his soul.
Matthew 25:40 “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Thank you for thinking of us, specifically Brady.

Many people have asked what exactly Brady will be having done.  Last week we spoke to Brady's cardiologist and we were told that the surgeon will not know which of three surgery options he will do until he actually gets into Brady's heart and sees what he has to work with.  Each surgery option brings a different length of stay in the hospital.  The options are, first try to repair the aortic valve, the next will be to replace it with a tissue valve.  Because of Brady's first surgery the coronary arteries may rule out a tissue valve.  The last option is an artificial valve.  The downside to an artificial valve is that Brady would have to go on blood thinners the rest of his life.  We are hoping for a valve repair or tissue valve.  If an artificial valve is necessary then it is what it is and we will deal with it.  During the time Brady is in surgery on Monday we will get updates on how the surgery is progressing.  We will try and update the blog on Monday evening, once things have settled down.

This has been a very trying time for our family and will continue to be difficult, but we could not do this without God's help.  We feel the peace he offers and a great amount of comfort as we pray for his love and support each day.

“God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."  - Spencer W. Kimball

Brady after running the IHH 5K last May


  1. I hope you know how much I love your family. I will keep all of you in my prayers and look forward to hearing how it went. Heavenly Father will remember you of that I'm sure.

  2. Brady. I do know prayers work and so many of the people who love you will be praying for you. My son Mitchell had a very serious surgery when he was in junior high. So many people were praying for him too. When it was all over and he was waking up, he said he felt peaceful because he could feel all the prayers. I hope you can feel the prayers and you will feel peace. I will look forward to seeing you back in primary.
